
Prioritizing self-care with a 9-5

Prioritizing self-care with a 9-5

Posted by Melissa Ite on 24th May 2024

It can be a challenge sometimes to prioritize ourselves and lead a balanced life. Each day may seem like a never ending cycle of targets, meetings and to-do lists. But, if you don't make the deci … read more
The Sacred Evening Routine

The Sacred Evening Routine

Posted by Melissa Ite on 14th Mar 2024

What does your evening routine look like?Is it just you following the motions of shower - dinner - bed (or whatever other order), or do you have an intentional routine to help your mind and body relax … read more
Rituals Corner: Self-Care Shower Ritual

Rituals Corner: Self-Care Shower Ritual

Posted by Melissa Ite on 22nd Oct 2023

If you're interested in designing a self-care shower ritual that will leave you feeling confident, refreshed and relaxed, keep reading!One of my favorite ways to savor my alone time is with a long sel … read more
Pause Moments: The Key to a Balanced Day

Pause Moments: The Key to a Balanced Day

Posted by Melissa Ite on 11th Oct 2023

With hectic days being the norm and everyone vying for your limited attention - it's up to you to ensure that your top priorities are accomplished and that you go through the day as level-headed as ca … read more
Sometimes self-care looks like...

Sometimes self-care looks like...

Posted by Melissa Ite on 22nd Sep 2023

When you hear the words "self-care", what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a spa day, pampering yourself at home or going on a weekend getaway?There's so much that isn't talked about openly … read more